Our Foundation had the honor of welcoming H.E. Wro.Zinash Tayachew who laid down the First Lady Foundation Stone for Deborah Foundation’s High School and planted a hibiscus tree at our new sight in Legetafo-Legedadi.

On the same day, Legetafo City Mayor H.E. Wro. Habiba Siraj showed support to our Foundation by laying down the Foundation stone for Deborah Foundation’s Agriculture Therapy Unit. She also planted an avocado tree to show support in beautifying our new site located in front of CCD homes in Legetafo-Legedadi.

Also, Oromia Constriction Corporation’s General Manager Eng. Abdo Geleto laid the foundational stone for Deborah Foundation’s kindergarten at our new site in Legetafo-Legedadi. In addition he planted a tree along side the first lady.