Kindergarten Inauguration by H.E. President Shale-Work Zewde

On September 3rd, 2022 Her Excellency President Shale-Work Zewde, President of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia attended the inauguration ceremony of Deborah Foundation’s state-of-the-art Kindergarten. The Kindergarten, located at Deborah Village in Legetafo Legedadi was funded by Oromia Construction Corporation and additional individual local funders. The kindergarten is designed to be an inclusive school […]

Highschool Inauguration by H.E. First Lady Zinash Tayachew

On Saturday, August 06, 2022, Her Excellency First Lady Zinash Tayachew inaugurated the High School of Deborah Academy which is located at Legetafo. The High School was built by a fund from the First Lady’s Office and it consists of classes, a library, and laboratories that are designed in order to make learning easy and […]

MOU signed with Tolo Technology PLC to facilitate international funding

On July 11, 2022, our foundation signed an MOU with Tollo Technology PLC. Tollo offers a super application that provides multiple services, including payment and financial transaction processing. This partnership will help our foundation in facilitating donations from local and international donors who would like to hand out in-kind donations for children born with Down […]

Green Legacy 2022 – More than 1,000 seedlings planted

On June 25th, 2022, commemorating this year’s Green Legacy, our foundation planted more than 1,000 coffee, apple, avocado, and other seedlings in the compound of Deborah Foundation School and Therapy Center which is under construction in Legetafo city. The mayor of Legatafo Ato. Beriso Temesgenand, and the vice president of the Ethiopian Police University, General […]

Eighth Monthly Parent Information Session Program

On the 21st of May, 2022, our foundation conducted its eighth parent info-session event. More than 50 parents, caregivers, and guardians of children with various types of intellectual disability namely Down syndrome, Autism Spectrum Disorders, etc were in attendance. In addition to the usual introductions to the work we do, this info-session had included topics […]

March with Deborah 2022 – WDSD Celebration in Ethiopia

ፋውንዴሽናችን መጋቢት 11, 2014 ዓ.ም አመታዊ የዳውን ሲንድረም ቀንን “አካታችነት ማለት” በሚል መሪ ቃል በእግር ጉዞ እና በህፃናት ፌስቲቫል አክብሮ ውሏል። “መጋቢትን ከዲቦራ ጋር” በሚል ዝግጅት ሲከበር የዚህ አመት ለሁለተኛ ጊዜ ሲሆን “አካታችነት መብት እንጂ ችሮታ አይደለም” በማለት ከአእምሮ እድገት ጋር ከተወለዱ ህፃናት፣ ቤተሰቦቻቸው እንዲሁም ሌሎች ባለድርሻ አካላት ጋር ቀኑ በድምቀት ተከብሯል። በእለቱ በክቡር አቶ […]

March with Deborah 2022 World Down Syndrome Day – Press Release

Our foundation released a press statement regarding its upcoming event on Sunday, March 20,2022, entitled ”March with Deborah ” which coincides with the World Down Syndrome Day celebration. This event is going to be celebrated with a walk and a festival for the children. During the press release, the leadership and board members stated the […]

Seventh Monthly Parent Information Session Program

On the 5th of March 2022, our foundation hosted its seventh monthly parent information session program. The program consisted of presentations such as what Intellectual disability is, the different medical conditions that might occur associated with down syndrome, and different physiotherapy maneuvers that parents can implement at home. Each session targeted aiding parents and caregivers […]

The Second Round ‘Deborah Envision’ program

On Sunday, January 30, 2022, our foundation in collaboration with Department of Ophthalmology, SoM, CHS, Addis Ababa University conducted the second round ‘Deborah Envision’ program. We provided free eye checkups for children with intellectual disabilities. At the event, more than 50 children had their eyes check-up. After the screening, all children were assorted according to […]

Sixth Monthly Parent Information Session Program

On Saturday, the 22nd of January 2022, Our foundation organized its 6th parent info session. On the day, we conducted focus-group discussions, performed medical assessments, and provided introductory presentations about intellectual disability, child safeguarding, activities of daily living, and the progress of our school and therapy center construction. We would like to thank the families […]